
150,000 deaths in only five months to take down Trump?

I am saddened to say that the message given in the above meme is the reality to how many in the U.S. feel about COVID. Rather than keeping the virus a health issue and concern, many have made it into a political one and the main culprit is the POTUS. The mentality of those who think this are the reason why the U.S. is having such a horrible time in controlling the virus and continue to experience high infected and death rates until there is a vaccine, assuming that there will be one.

Many in the United States does not want to believe that such a virus could exist without there being a political motive behind it. The truth is that deadly bacteria and viruses have been in existence for centuries, for example, in recent history many should recall the 1918 Spanish flu. We have not been able to advance in medical science enough to be able to fully eliminate these types of threats to human life. That is the reality.

During the 1918 Spanish flu, “As civilian cases multiplied, local health officials initiated bans on public gatherings in order to quell the spread of infections. Across the city, public schools and universities closed their doors, and Congress and the Supreme Court adjourned. Meanwhile, emergency hospitals opened across the District as nurses desperately tried to care for the constant influx of patients. Influenza cases continued well into the next year, disproportionately affecting healthy residents in their mid-twenties and thirties, a group normally predisposed to fight infectious disease. The infection of the strong and youthful, in addition to babies and the elderly, caused life expectancy in the U.S. to drop by twelve years in 1918” (

Banning public gatherings and the closing of schools and businesses are means used to fight against a deadly virus, not a political coup. President Wilson contracted the Spanish flu because viruses do not discriminate. In fact, over 675,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in the course of roughly around 2 years. Hopefully, we will not see that many American lives claimed by the coronavirus, but we have lost over 150,000 in only five months. Did President Wilson place blame for the virus on the Spanish or on the Germans since they started the world war? No, he nor did anyone else which is why our current President should not be placing blame onto others for the coronavirus.

Yes, China is communist, they commit crimes against humanity, and lacks in having sanitary laws and codes but that does not indicate that the Chinese people deliberately brought on this virus to bring down Trump. Democrats had nothing to do with the creation and spreading of the virus. To blame anyone for the virus itself is like blaming someone for a tornado or earthquake. If the liberals, Chinese, or the Democrats have so much control and coordination to pull off such a scheme, then they would be advanced enough to have done something more effective and efficient. Many liberals, Chinese, and democrats have died from this virus.

Trump is just another human who he himself is NOT responsible for the virus itself. What Trump is responsible for is how he is handling it and by how he is conveying mixed messages to the American People. When German Chancellor Merkel approached the German People, she did not express any false information about the virus and she more likely saved thousands of German lives by not doing so. Unlike Trump, German Chancellor Merkel does not suffer from narcissism. Narcissism disables a person from admitting that there may be things that they do not know, and they cannot admit to ever having been wrong. Instead of stating to the American People that the virus was under control, he should have responded honestly and admit that he did not know but he suffers from narcissism which disables him from being able to do that. When Trump told the American People that the virus was nothing to be worried about and that it is under control, he placed thousands of lives in danger by doing so.

What Trump is guilty of is endangerment. His carelessness and narcissism have prevented him from implementing the means that could have saved thousands of lives. He is too occupied with making everything into being political and about himself. Wearing face masks is not and should not be a political statement. Face masks do not take away anyone’s liberties and freedoms. It is a face mask designed to decrease the spreading of viral aerosols. That is all a face mask is, a means of preventing infection. President Trump, however, has made wearing a mask into being a symbol of repression.

Closing down stores and schools were things done during the Spanish flu and citizens did not protest for liberation. The people at the time saw the virus for what it was and knew what needed to be done to combat against it. The American People during the time of the Spanish flu did not believe that any of their freedoms or liberties were threatened. Unlike Trump, President Wilson did not tell the American People “We must protect our gun rights, liberate, and reopen businesses.” The American People had no desire to show up at state capital buildings with their guns protesting to reopen the economy. They did not stand outside of governor mansions protesting to reopen schools. President Wilson did not threaten to not fund schools if they did not open. In comparison to how President Wilson handled the Spanish flu, Donald Trump has done the opposite with handling the coronavirus. Take care and God


2 replies on “150,000 deaths in only five months to take down Trump?”

sister i liked your article not only in usa but every country is suffering even in india virologist have found strains of corona virus in bats but the corona which is spreading in world is genetically manipulated which is man made so this bilogical warfare thrust on mankind by deep state for world supremacy unfortunatly deep state is also affected this is akind of warfare thrust on humanity short of nuclear weapons because use of nuclear weapons will make earth in habitable to all life forms


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